Sunday, April 3, 2016

Final Offer Video Rating...Ripe Tomatoes 98%

On my version of Rotten Tomatoes, known as Ripe Tomatoes, there are things I liked and learned from the "Final Offer" video. I think this video really represented good examples of people's interest and positions in a negotiation. For example, the CAN GM, Rob Andrews was using pattern bargaining from the US agreement and was taken the position of setting up the same deal their American counterpart agreed to and applying it to the CAN UAW. However, the CAN UAW, Bob White disagreed with this contract because it went against the CAN workforce's interest and did not want profit sharing. 

The US UAW did not mind the same contract presented and agreed to profit sharing. They had different interest that aligned with job security and not so much towards hourly wage and yearly increases, which profit sharing would eradicate. On the other hand, CAN UAW interests did not correlate with the US UAW and the CAN workforce did not have to worry about job security, but more towards hourly wages and yearly increases. 

Rob Andrews believed that Bob White should accept the offer because following the same contract as the US did was normal procedure and was standard protocol since it was for the same company. In addition, the GM' s interest wanted profit sharing because they thought it would motivate workers to try harder and increase quality in their products. Both parties had different interest and were for moral and practical reasons, however, they couldn't see past each others positions and focused on the what instead of the why in the negotiation.  

Ripe Tomatoes: 98% "Final Offer"

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